Esmaeil Mousavi

Esmaeil Mousavi


Esmaeil Mousavi is an artificial intelligence and machine learning researcher, graduate assistant teacher, while pursuing a bachelor's in computer science at Weber State University, Utah, USA.





Weber State University Appointments

Oct. 2022 - Present

Assistant Researcher in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Vehicles:

  • Facilited advanced projects integrating computer vision, lane following and object detection.

  • Conducting research to enhance autonomous navigation systems' accuracy and reliability using 3D LiDARs.

March 2023 - Present

Assistant Teacher for CS 6300 Route Planning and Navigation:

  • Facilitated lectures and practical sessions on computer vision, object detection, and emergency braking systems.

  • Involved in developing the CS6300 course syllabus and developing online sourcebook for the students.

Link to: Course Catalog.

Jan. 2023 - Present

Assistant Researcher in Machine Learning:

  • Spearheading research in machine learning for securing hard disk drives against acoustic cyber-threats.

  • Conducting data optimization research and developing predictive models for feed-yard mortality.


National Center for Water Quality Research

Nov. 2021 - Sept. 2022

Data Analyst:

  • Analyzing water mineral and contaminant data, using advanced analytical techniques to provide insightful data interpretations, aiding in the development of effective water quality management strategies.

  • Using statistical models and machine learning in environmental data science and contributing significantly to predictive environmental analytics. Aiding in the development of effective water quality management strategies.

Dec. 2021 - Sept. 2022

Assistant Researcher:

  • Led the applying of statistical models for time series analysis, support vector machine, specializing in water quality forecasting.

  • Utilized the ARIMA model and various machine learning techniques to analyze and predict environmental data trends.

  • Authored and contributed to research papers; conducted detailed research and analysis of water mineral and contaminant data from the Sandusky River's.


Research Insterest 

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, autonomous vehicles and robotics, ML in education and health, data visualization.



Work In Progress

- E Mousavi, K Fuez. “Acoustic Machine Learning Pre-trained Active Noise Cancellation Defense for Acoustic Denial of Service Attacks on Hard Disk Drives,” School of Computing, WSU.

April 2022

- E Mousavi et al. “A descriptive analysis: a forecast on the ratio of Sandusky river's total particulate phosphorus per suspended sediments regarding the river's flow using autoregressive integrated moving average and supervised machine learning,” The U.S. National Center for Water Quality Research, Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard and Harvard Medical School. Link to: paper's poster view

June 2020


- E Mousavi, “Two-Stroke X-Shaped Engine” published under Patent Cooperation Treaty (WIPO) in the World Intellectual Property Organization, consisting of several conceptual ideas in mechanical engineering, automotive and aerospace engineering –internal combustion sector–, (WIPO Publication #WO/2020/026037). [1][2][3]



March 2023 - Present

Senator, Elected as The Senator for College of Engineering, Applied Science and Technology 2023 - 2024

Jan. 2024

Research Grant Awarded, Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR), Weber State University

July 2023

Student Advisor, Swarm Learning Model Project, Nvidia & Hewlett Packard Enterprise

April 2022

Lewis E Miller International Ambassador Certificate, Heidelberg University

April 2022

Emerging Leader Certificate, Heidelberg University

Sept. 2014 - June 2020

Top 5% student for academic performance, Iranian National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talent's Shahid Beheshti High School; from grades 7th to 12th


Oct. 2021- Present

Harvard SEAS Computer Science Colloquium Group, Harvard University

Oct. 2023- Dec. 2023

Faculty Senate Committee, Weber State University

Oct. 2023- Dec. 2023

Academic Resource Committee, Weber State University.

Jan. 2024- Present

IT Advisory Committee, Weber State University.

Feb.2022- Present

Association for Computing Machinery ACM®, New York, NY.


Iran's National Elites Foundation, Iran.


Nov. 2023


Organizer & Panelist, Weber State University’s AI & Autonomous Vehicles Symposium: Invited and coordinated lectures by professors on AI and autonomous vehicles for engineering students.

Oct. 2023

VIP Participant, AI/ML Leader in Tech for the State of Utah, Pluralsight Navigate, The Grand America Hotel

July 2023

Participant, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Uncertainty Quantification Conference, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena, CA

March 2023

Participant, Terasaki Institute Innovation Summit, The University of California, Los Angeles, CA

Nov. 2023

Participant, Leadership to Legacy Conference, Weber State University

April 2022

Research Presenter, Heidelberg University Research Symposium, Tiffin, OH



|Esmaeil Mousavi|



Room 337, School of Computing Faculty Research Lab, Noorda Applied Science & Technology Building, 1465 Edvalson St, Ogden, UT 84403


Room 128, Autonomous Vehicles and Electronics Lab, Computer & Automotive Engineering Building, 2750 University Park Blvd, Layton, UT 84041, United States.


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